
Showing posts from March, 2017

Penulis Konten, kenapa tidak?

  Istilah penulis konten sangat dikenal di kalangan freelancer di bidang tulis menulis. Saya sendiri mengenal istilah ini saat tanpa sengaja melihat iklan yang membutuhkan content writer freelance di kampus. Saat itu yang terlintas di benak saya sebagai orang yang super awam dalam hal ini adalah, menulis layakya jurnalis freelance, namun dengan teknis yang sedikit berbeda. Jika seorang jurnalis harus menyajikan tulisan yang sifatnya menginformasikan kejadian atau situasi aktual, seorang penulis konten mungkin harus menulis hal yang sifatnya informatif juga tapi bukan kejadian aktual atau berita kontroversial.  Turned out that I was right . Yay! Ternyata kemampuan nalar saya, bahkan saat masih cupu, cukup bagus. Seorang penulis konten biasanya akan diharuskan menulis artikel dengan panjang sekitar 200 sampai 500 kata, atau sesuai permintaan user. Sebanyak empat sampai enam artikel sehari adalah hal yang biasa bagi penulis konten yang bekerja untuk instansi penyedia jasa ini. Penul

Awesome Food from Solo

As I mentioned that I am now becoming one of millions (maybe) people living in Solo, Central Java, I think I want to share stories and some infos about this city that might help other people like me. Like me, yes.. someonre real new about this city. And let's start with food. The food I am going to tell here is not really commom. Well, it is as common as soup, but as rare as  kimchi (in this city, of course). You can find kimchi in korean restaurant here, but there are not so many korean restaurant in Solo. Just like this soup. There are only some warung that sell it. This is it.. Sup Matahari (Photo by: Shabrina, 2 Feb 2017) Sup Matahari, which translated name would be sun soup, is one of a kind. IT IS AWESOME! especially when it is served hot and you are catching a cold. Unfortunately, when I took this picture, I got one with imperfect shape. Please do search "sup matahari" in google image and you'll see its better performance :D. Normally, it is not only