Shabrina today

Life is getting harder lately.. I dont want to sound spoilt but it really is :(. My faith teach me to be a strong person however, and here I am, trying and trying to be one. Well maybe it's just because I lost my purse today then everything, um... some bad things happened lately swing here and there in my mind. Not so remember where I dropped or left it, but I'm sure it was in my hand when I parked my motor bike before class this afternoon. sigh... everything to support my life is in there, so I've got to go to some places to proceed some other cards and.. ups.. the hardest part is telling my parents about my motor bike lisence. would be STNK in Bahasa, which I have to manage or I'll get fined sometime if I get caught. And I need my mother's ID card and her help to proceed it for me since there's no way I stay there in Madura these days in working days. Hoooow my God... I do hope someone call and give it back to me, aamiin


  1. koyo berita ae indonesia today
    walh wis sing ke berapa iki stnk ilang?


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