What is Good Teacher?

Being a good teacher or lecturer or tutor is not too hard but not easy either. Gampang-gampang susah in Bahasa. But above all, what is a good teacher at all?

When such a question is delivered, I am pretty sure that there will be various answers. As for me, a good teacher is an inspiring, discipline and understanding at the same time, and supportive teacher. While academically, he or she must be smart and mastering the material he/she teaches. Not necessarily funny, but must be able to engage the students so the materials can be well delivered. 

Re-thinking about my teacher so far, I have some in mind when the words "favourite teacher" appear. One was my English tutor, Mam Ratna, and the other ones were my lecturers in Undergraduate Program.

Mam Ratna was a killer. Her voice, her eye contact, her expression, was like a thunder. She has a friendly face actually, but when she speaks, you will directly know that she has a strong character. I remembered every students would be so quite and focus every time she taught the class. Nobody wanted to get scolded, of course. She broke my heart once, when I asked her to assist me because I would join a news reading competition. She said, "How could you join it, your intonation is always flat while reading." ("That's why I asked you to teach me, mam" I though back then). Well, what doesn't kill you make you stronger. I joined the competition anyway and I lose, and again, I was getting stronger.. Ha! 

The other good teachers, who are good teachers for me, were my lecturer. Mrs. Fatimah, my morphology lecturer, and Grand ma, our poetry lecturer.
Mrs Fatimah is a dicipline and understanding lecturer at the same time. She is so young, consistent, strong, steady, and friendly. Emm.. friendly may not be the appropriate word to describe her, but yeah.. she was friendly in her way. Did not talk too much but always smile and wave back to us. 
Grand ma, on the other hand, is so old and seldom smile. She was 76 years old when she taught me, what do you expect. It was her who preferred to be called Grand ma rather than Bu Rumbilin. Please don't miss imagine her, she was strong, energetic, so loving and lovable although most of the students in her class got C or D. Very seldom did the students got A even B in her class. Two students got an A in her class are a lot. One in a semester is good. None got A in a semester, pretty often. Two things are identical with her appearance, walking stick and round hat. Not that she cannot walk without the walking stick and she covered her head from the sun with the hat. Our beloved grand ma never use the walking stick in the class even thought she always moved around, and she never put off her hat even inside a room. It's her style. That's it. 

Talking of which, my favorite teachers are all strict and discipline, however it is hard for me to apply that to my students. I really want to be more strick and strong, but always end up permissive. It is good but dangerous as well, for if you are too permissive, you will spoil the students and not helping them at all. 

Sigh. I will always try however. At least, to be more strict in a situation. Not permissive but understand in some situations. Now I can understand what my elementary school teachers always said. Teachers always wish the best for the students. The students failure are their sadness, and the students success are their pride and happiness. 


  1. I got c+ for grand ma class, and i am very proud of it, hehe. May be i can share a little bit about teacher in here. In here seems teacher is more like a friend, you can call them by name directly if you want (i can't do it) without being less respect. there are many characters, but i love ones who from vietnam. This guy is quite young for his phd title. He teach something which involved many numbers and math calculation (i am not kind of math expert). He really cares and tries to make all the student understand. He uses interactive games and a medal is awarded for winner (i got one, not bad for a math dummy) and always say in the end of the class if there is someone need further explaination he can drop email/ meet him. He also gives questionnaire asking about how he teach in every single meeting. What a teacher. Of course there are some teacher who are little bit "awkward" and difficult to understand. Teacher is an awesome proffession. Imagine how world would be without a person called "teacher". keep your spirit on it!

    1. Obieee, are you still in UK?
      Ngapain e? S2 po?

      For you, who was your favorite teacher or lecturer and why?

    2. iya, sekolah maneh, ngajar d ndi?
      i've told you my favourite teacher in my previous comment

    3. njupuk s2 opo?

      aq neng Jogja pancet, UII.

    4. port management, wis ampun lek linguistik maneh hehe, sekolah manut sing mbayari jg jurusane

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