Garuda Fights Back

26 Desember 2010, Final FFA Indonesia vs Malaysia di Malaysia tadi membuahkan hasil akhir 3-0 buat Malaysia. That was the first time I saw such match, pertama kalinya liat pertandingannya FFA, pertama kalinya liat pertandingannya Indonesia. Kemaren pas Nina nginep di rumah, kita crita-crita soal Christian Gonzales, Bachdim, Bambang, Yongki, and so on about timnas lah pokoknya. Emang yang lagi populer banget hari-hari ini kan itu, ya selaen bahasan cewe pada umumnya (soal Dewi Persik, Jupe, Cinta Fitri, de el el). Waktu dicritain pas Indonesia lawan Filipin yang dramatis gitu aja ampe terharu, crita tok lo padahal, dalam kondisi masih buta info plus gak da bayangan sama yang namanya Bachdim dan sejenisnya. Makanya bertekad bulat hari ini pokoknya kudu nonton, support the very team sampe detik penghabisan. Eh.... sekalinya nonton dibikin guuuemes mes mes, kalah pisan, huhuhu.... Mreka sampe grogi gitu gara2 aq nonton paling ya, jadi nggak konsen, kebobolan terus jadinya, (hohoho,

But the event was surely an amazing one that could render people happy, mad, even drives tem crazy, including me acually. Waktu keluar rumah buat beli obat jam 7an tadi jalanan sepiiii banget. Cuma ada 1 mobil 2 sepeda otor kali ya rata-rata yang lewat per lima menit. And I was certain that people are staying in a certain place to support their team.

What an exciting game it was which made people’s nerve turned high and their emotion got burned. There was no single score released at the first 45 minutes, but the next half of the match was really irritating. It was Marcus the Indonesian keeper who could no longer stand with the laser Malay’s supporters point to most Indnesian players. Then he spoke up and the game stopped for a while. Embarracing, wasn’t it, that they did such a thing to distract the opponents’ players. Sumpah nggmesin. Nhah, habis protes itu terus Indonesia kebobolan tiga gol yang waktu nyetaknya nggak begitu lama antara masing-masing gol. Gila! Ni pemaennya Malaysia kaya’nya ke”bakar” pengen buktiin kalo tanpa those laser lighting pun mereka bisa menang dan pengen tunjukin their credibility. But that was late. Gimanapun juga the act was successfully ruined the players’ concentration I guess. Dan di waktu yang sama itulah mereka manfaatin kelengahan timnas buat keep attacking and trying to score. Ksian banget ekspresinya supporter Merah yang nonton at that very stadion. Langsung lemes tanpa tenaga even only to rise the flag. Yang nonton dari rumah aja kecewa banget, apalagi yang langsung di sana, among Malaysian supporters that filled more than two third of the spectators’ bench.

Don’t give up, dear Timnas. It has NOT over yet. You guys still have two days left to prepare for the next determining match.


  1. template ganti meneh, biyuh2.. ndang di add kono twitter e bachdim!senenganmu lak sing cakep impor2 ngunu hehe

  2. wakz... gak ah, adekku ae wis mirip Bachdim :p

  3. tp kan adekmu gak onok tato e! lek tatoan kan keyeeennnn gauuulll... pret hehe


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