One More Step to Go

Alhamdulillaaaaah ahirnya seminar hasil juga. Revisinya banyak euy. Bismillah, I can do it!!! I really felt grateful not only because I have made it, but also because I got the courage from my friends. Walo cuma sms, wall post di facebook, ato komen di status facebook, their words are such a spirit they delivered. Thanks a lot guys.
Hebat yah yang nyemangatin. Hmm... biar banyak revisi yang musti dibabat, tapi hati ini udah lebih ringan. Liat temen yang masih pada berjuang juga buat ngejar seminar2, I really want to encourage them, jangan sampe sempet mereka kepikiran buat give up ato males-malesan. Kalo ada donor spirit ato niat, bakal q donor wes sebanyak-banyaknya, hohoho.
GOSH! The only thing I really wanna do right now is just thank You a million times, but no words seem to represent my gratefulness to Thee, my dear Almighty...
And nothing could express how much I love you guys, my dearest friends, (jadi berasa bikin kata pengatar)
If only I could mention names in the acknowledgemnt or dedicational page, guess, there's gonna be a hundred or even more people am gonna mention. (btw, kalo puluhan orang bahasa Inggrisnya apa yah :D)


  1. alhamdullilah.. yo ngunu. Peh wis seminar ae saiki nyemangati ben gak males...(pret..hehe)
    kata pengantar yang tidak berkepentingan dilarang dimasukkan jare b fat
    bahasa inggrise puluhan jare gugel tens / dozen


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