The “Difficult” One (My Teaching Pace)

Well well well,
 Yeph, th e icon beside is really what I have on my face when I start typing this. It is absolutely because of Dira, the class I have just taught. Lol.
Ooow my God. It always makes me, at least, smile and, at last, laugh.

Dira is the name of a class in an English Course institution where I become one of its teachers. It consists of nine students, first and second grade of elementary school. Basically ,they are all great, funny, talk active (the nature of children, indeed), smart, crowded, cutes and disobedient sometimes. And this is my second day of my being with them, excluding two meetings of observation.

The matter is, I really don’t know what I have to do with one of them. Diki is cute in fact, but he is also very stubborn, and not sometimes disobedient. He never writes when the others write, but he answers when I ask him things. Yet, he never obey what I want him to do like writing notes, sitting on his place, or writing agenda, except when it is almost the time to g home and it is only to sit on his place.

I don’t know.. . may be it’s because I still meet this class two times, or may be because he’s not in his mood. One thing for sure, it is very absolutely difficult so much to make him write notes and even agenda. Huhuhu T.T Diki... What can I do, tell me what can I say...


  1. there is a theory in psycholinguistic called reward and punishment. bring something 4 them like chocolate or candies, and give it when they can answer your question correctly, u can also give punishment (but i don't know how to punish 7 year old child), give them more picture rather than just text, sing a song, make a play with funny costume, etc...., and remember these children attend the class because of their parents not because of their own willingness...(nggae artikel kok yo boso inggris, keseleo ilatku)

  2. hehehehe,
    Yeph, we did. I mean, the course give "magic stamp" for those who get good mark, behave nice, come on time, n so on n so forth. But I haven't tried yet indeed about giving them other things like chocolate or candies. And we do teach in a fun way actually, by LCD, movies, songs, and guessing.
    The matter is, as u said, they are there because of their parents, however, this one is worse. He, apparently, doesn't have any willingness of his own, at all :-s


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